Retail Industry and Delivery Noise, for  Logistics.
We have many years of comprehensive experience of Retail and Delivery noise issues, since the early 1990's, from all over the UK, with many of the largest retailers in the country, from Marks and Spencer to Safeway, and many smaller boutique retailers with particular noise issues.
There are also many technical requirements and conditions on noise and delivery times that are set by the local authority, often on planning permissions, together with statutory noise guidelines, and these need detailed professional independent advice to be resolved successfully.
We undertake detailed noise surveys, with careful observation of all the issues, and then produce a comprehensive report containing advice and recommendations to resolve the noise issues, and resolve any restrictions on allowed delivery times. This is discussed with all the managers involved to consider all the options for an effective long term solution; we also liaise with the local residents, local authority, logistics delivery companies, planning consultants, and building management. We issue noise reports that have clear and comprehensive recommendations that give a clear direction for the solution in the summary. We then regularly monitor progress to confirm the success of the project, and which allow any restrictions to be reconsidered.
For planning of new stores, especially in city centres with nearby residents and potential noise issues, we liaise with all the authorities and the Retailers’ Planners and Architects to ensure that any prohibitive planning conditions are avoided at an early stage.
We are experienced on legal issues concerning noise, and are qualified to act as expert witness on all noise issues at planning applications, appeals, and legal court cases. We respond promptly at short notice, and offer a professional, reliable service.
Akris Boutique, Old Bond Street, Westminster, London, Industrial plant Noise Control.
Safeway and Morrisons, Fulham, London, Â
Industrial and Environmental Delivery Noise.
Marks and Spencer, Kings Road, Chelsea, London,
Industrial and Environmental Delivery Noise.
• Noise Surveys and Reports
• Professional, qualified and experienced
• All types of Retail and Delivery noise issues
• Initial assessment surveys
• Quick response and turnover
• Long term monitoring of noise through project
• Solving particular industrial and delivery noise problems
• Trialling new systems and assessing new vehicles
• Industrial Noise at Work assessments.
• Expert witness at legal court cases and planning appeals
• High success rate
Marks and Spencer, Hemel Hempstead Depot,
Sound test for Logistics and Capital Purchasing.
Keith Mahoney,
Head of Logistics
Marks and Spencer
The comprehensive
insight provided by the Kings Road report carried out by Shaun Murkett Acoustic Consultants...
enabled us to deliver a comprehensive noise reduction package.
Highly recommended.